your tass south korea to continue to unwind the -- return to market base interest rates and remove monetary distortions from the economy without market disruption. this is a serious responsibility. at least the fed has the backdrop of a strong economy and faster economic growth from tax cuts so that it can achieve this difficult task. i personally want to commend you chairman powell to lead the way on normalization and i encourage you to continue. i commend your commitment to tailoring financial regulations and rite sizing out regulations. i look forward to your testimony and wish you the best. >> time has expired and now the chair recognizes the gentleman from wisconsin the ranking member of the subcommittee for one minute. >> thank you so much mr. chairman and thank you chairman powell for attending today. i look forward to your testimony and getting to know you. you're taking over the federal reserve at a precarious time and your predecessor talked about -- i'm interested to hearing if that's an emphasis in increasing rates or unwinding the portfolio. your tenure comes at a time when the