tatamimiflflu u isis f fdada a apppprorovevedd toto t trereatat t thehe f flulu i in n pepeopoplele 2ks s anand d ololdeder r whwhososee flflu u sysympmptotomsms s statartrteded wiwiththinin t thehe l lasast t twtwo o dadaysys.. bebefoforere t takakining g tatamimiflfluu tetellll y youour r dodoctctoror i if f yoyou'u'rere pregnant, nursing, hahaveve s sererioiousus h heaealtlth h cocondndititions oror t takake e ototheher r memedidicicinenes.s. if you develop a an n alallelergrgicic reaction, a severe rash, oror s sigignsns o off ununususuaual l bebehahavior ststopop t takakining g tatamimiflfluu anand d cacallll y youourr dodoctctoror i immediately. chchilildrdrenen a andnd a adodolelescscenentsts in particular mamay y bebe a at t anan i incncrereasaseded r risisk of seizures, coconfnfususioion n oror a abnbnorormamal l bebehahavior. ththe e momostst c comommomonn sisidede e effects are mildld t to o momodederaratete n nauausesea and vomiting. cacallll y youour r dodoctctoror ririghght t awaway. dodon'n't t lolosese a anonoththerer momomement to the flu. whwhenen t theherere's's f f