if you take tatarstan and other. republics within the majority again here's my signal we weren't going to impose anything on those regions because that would have a detrimental effect on the unity of russia each nation each ethnic group needs to find a form of. coexisting with the russian people that they find most appropriate so we don't ever have any national any state planned consulate regions. and now back to your question. our position and we know opposition candidates there would be strong enough. well the simplest answer would be well should i train contenders for myself. but you know i've been thinking a lot about the fact that our political system just like our economic system should be. competitive and that is my goal but. i would like to have a balanced political system. competition is vital. but you. shouldn't. we don't have you know high profile opposition figures. and they don't. they not can cannot compete with. those in power. you know russia is a specific very small very specific country. young peopl