let's ask elena turova, program director of the listopad competition and tatiana komanova, program directore feature film competition. hello ladies, how many applications are there? this year, a record number of applications, films, more than 2 thousand from 107 countries, if we take weights, were submitted for the competition, well, for the entire competition this year. then perhaps the most applications came for young cinema, more than 700, and i think that’s very cool, because young cinema has returned to us this year, even taking into account the slogan of this festival, that we are creating the future, i think this is kind of even symbolically, that is, this is a recent trend, i mean exactly there is such a stir within the framework of young cinema, well , young cinema is our future, these are our prospects, i think it’s very cool and it’s timely, we need to look at the future, if you look. for geography, which countries are participating this year? well, i would probably say that only antarctica did not receive applications, and that’s probably because they don’t make films there. spe