when a loss appears to be at stake, to discuss that i'm joined by tatiana oliver, who's the lead emerging markets economist with oxford economics. she's also the founder of emerging all mix and she's joining us from london. very good to have you with us. so what do you make of the possible new sanctions that we've heard about so far from the us and the allies that they have been threatening russia would? well, sometimes the hero, the sanctions can do more damage than the sanctions themselves. and we can see that the 5th of the human sanction has already done a lot of damage to the russian markets. however, i think the, what we need to see now is the exact warranty or the deal at the us because of going to approve. and then we will see what so the damage these sanctions could do, for example, the order of what action russia needs to take with whether the sanctions will be imposed if russia affects ukraine or if there are cyber attacks or even information campaigns. so we'll be looking at him to the law. yeah. and the u. s. has been debasing imposing factions, not just of russia, invades uk