tatyana barsukova and yelena semkina have been accused of negligence.anising holidays for children, but thejudge has for organising holidays for children, but the judge has sent the case back to the prosecutor‘s office for further investigation. there case back to the prosecutor‘s office forfurther investigation. there has been little progress. we are catching the same night train the children would have taken from moscow to syamozero. we have carried out our own investigation to try and understand what caused the deaths of these children. we have been given documents which shed light on the events preceding this tragedy. could these deaths have been avoided? this man is the head of a village near the camp. he first received complaints about it in 2010, when the camp illegally fenced off the public beach. year after year, he found serious violations. three years on, as the winter snow sta rts three years on, as the winter snow starts to melt, the camp is still closed. he used to come here annually to carry out checks. he found new problems every time, f