let's talk about this in more detail, our stylist tatyana bulgak has a word.dress should be in every woman’s wardrobe, coco chanel said so but why limit yourself to one dress, modern fashion offers a huge choice, how not to get confused in such beauty, we’ll tell you who the blackest dress from chanel, although it appeared in 1926, but a decade became an eternal trend, after the forties, a lush bottom and lantern sleeves were in fashion, and in the middle of the century, peasants. verst creates a style bow designs in the 21st century not only the creatives themselves, but also allows others to sell dresses , coloring markers are not included in the kit, alas, they are not included 100% trend of the current season trench dress cases, shirts and dresses in linen style will be popular special chic thin straps, lace and a deep neckline or peplum, it's time to find out. which dress is right for you, let's figure it out with an example. various figures luxurious and green shirt dress patch pockets that absolutely do not increase women plus size belt that emphasizes