we so sounds here, that business in which he is engaged this tatyana burina. let's get acquainted. ame is tatyana gurina, i am the compiler of the minced meat of the fifth category of the workshop for the production of canned food for baby food, meat of the cannery in the city of orsha i wake up at 6:30 in the morning. i wash my face. i drink coffee. going to work. my working day starts at 8:00 am. my duties include my decontamination equipment inspection. preparing it for work , familiarizing with the task for the shift, preparing in aircraft raw materials and directly compiling batches according to the recipe. after getting acquainted with the task for the shift. i prepare auxiliary raw materials and am directly involved in compiling batch. basically, cereals, meat , oil, water go for the place. the raw meat is ground, after preparing all the components , we weigh them and load the digester. in the digester, all components are mixed and crushed content to the desired temperature. further, it is also transferred through the pipes to the dispenser, where it is dosed in a jar, rolled