tatyana alekseevna. article 112, part one, there are complaints, no, well, girls, with your arrival , well, you give it, and elena gennadievna time, until the end of your pregnancy, oh, what a pregnancy, yours, and didn’t you know, i don’t want to, i can’t, no, no, don’t even think about it it's too late to have an abortion, please! please do something, no, i won’t do anything, do something , take her away, quietly, quietly, i say, you’re a fool, i’d be happy, elena, genna , what happened, you’re a fool, don’t be so upset, marin, okay, she doesn’t want to see me, oh well, i’ll still write it and broadcast it. in general, i know how to wait, of course, it’s hard for me, you can understand, now sanya will be hard for us alone, and i, sashka, thank you for everything, but you won’t console me all your life, you ’ll find yourself a beautiful girl, everything will be fine for you. accept on the spot. accepted, you look good, stepan mikhailovich. glad to see you, viktor petrovich, who is this? i’m preparing a successor for myself, smart guy, smart, you say, smart, hi, great, sit down, well, tell me what the topic is, a gold mine,