my name is tatyana kolesnichuk. i called you. sit down please. exhale. calm down . they want to kill me. why so decided already there were attempts to shoot me, what? i was walking home through there were no garages, not a soul, and suddenly a shot was fired. where was the shot from? i do not understand. i had such a small handbag on a strap. so i held it in front of my chest, they hit it, so i defended it, i didn’t suffer. and why didn't you go to the police? my husband and i immediately turned to the police, a statement was accepted, an investigation was made, we concluded that the boys were playing around, shooting from traumatists at banks and accidentally shooting at me , there were no injuries, there were no witnesses. the body is closed. i specifically understood that they were shooting at me and that there were no teenagers that evening in this place. especially since it's not over yet. explain at first i thought that my husband was right that i was very frightened, i wind myself up, but a few days ago i noticed how slowly a car was following me, where i go,