of her partner, but her aunt is sure there was no murder, it was self-defense, in the studio tatyana miranenko, hello tatyana, why was your niece accused of murder? she didn't want to do this. so he ran into a knife himself, he came up to her, wanted to hit her, she left her on the sofa, because he beat her hard, he penalized everything on the floor there, then in the evening she sat down to peel potatoes, he began to beat her with a cane, she said: calm down , stop it, calm down, he sat down, said, looked at the sofa at me, his eyes became so big again, he rushed at me again, i jumped on another sofa, she was sitting, jumped on the sofa and he ran up to her and wanted to hit her with a cane, she stood with a knife and he ran straight into the knife, she didn’t want to kill him, didn’t want anything, she was afraid of him, loved him and was afraid , but he died on the spot, no, when he came across a knife, he fell, she saw blood and called an ambulance, they took him away, he was still alive, she cleaned up, washed up the blood, closed the door, went to a neighbor, arrived the police took her