packaging the landscape, some sort of facility, physical infrastructure the serbs to make recreation easier, more convenient, more comfortable, but gave taurus newfound access to cynical remark or while various, and nature at a minimum of difficulty or risk, and if you think about it, that is exactly what ski lifts to. in effect that an infrastructure as i mentioned a moment ago served to physically pack is the high country for ever larger numbers of tourists. but for the single most important way of packaging-century landscape or really any landscape anywhere in america for tourists was telling them to a network of modern paved highways. paved highways have extraordinarily powerful channelling effects on the flow of tourists because by mid century american tourists were overwhelmingly traveling by car. and despite the supposed freedom of memorability, these stores were overwhelmingly confining themselves to pave roads. there was even a saying among our planters that jurors will drive one order miles of the weight to avoid 5 miles of dirt road. at that time when many rural western roads, including many in colorado, were still under or gravel