tavment, some joked that taft stood for take advice from theodore. you saw the shirt he was wearing, and the speech was on display in the lower gallery and amazingly the bullet pierces the topcoat, hits his speech, lodged into his chest and roosevelt is very well we'd. it was said he could read two books a day, he had a traffic memory. he -- a photographic memory. was familiar with the human anatomy, he was an experienced hunter. he coughs, realizes he's not coughing up any blood, and also realized the importance of this. in terms of a public relations moment to go out and address the audience, i believe he goes out to speak for 90 minutes and said it tikes a lot more than a bullet to stop a bull moose. he never has the bullet removed and i'm going to share with you the "new york times" headline from the day after the assassination attempt. mainian in milwaukee shoots as you can imagine after this political loss, he looks at the opportunity for the next adventure. he says it was his last chance to feel like a boy and that was exploring the amazon dow