tavor kell, the architect? i knew him when he was in exile. what was he like? shy. unsure of himself and his talent. most people would never notice someone like him he was shy from his design s. when i first met him, they were as t tid as he was. i was always telling him to stop censoring himself. he must have listened to you. i've found artists have a weakness for me as well. at least, i hope they do. i, uh... i've always wondered what kell would have designed if he had lived longer. than most people could in a dozen lifetimes. his name is known throughout the quadrant. his buildings will stand for centuries to come. isn't that what an artist wants-- to be remembered? isn't that why you write? i don't know. no reason to hide your ambition, jake. it's nothing to be ashshed of. i think it's what makes artists so compelling. all right. i-i guess i do want to be remembered. so, what are you doing to make sure you will be? well, i'm thinking of going to the pennington school on earth. you already y ve the talent inside you. i can see it. you just need someone to help yo