kqed's chloe veltman sat dow with drag artistkt and stocon native taylor mac., here we are onto the stage at the curran theatre in san francisco. m here with taylor mac, the creator of the show, the chief performer, and his co-creator, stume designer, machine dazzle. thank you both for being here. it's great to get a chance to chat with you here in the costume shop n. all this stuff is going -thank you. -oh, yes, thank you. -♪ i oe was lost ♪ but now am found t -so, your show tel history of the united states of america in 246 songs, and it all begs with a smashing, ball-busting rendition of "azing grace."♪ -s long as life endures ♪ -why that song? s -i wanted et up this kind of concept that we'reofere to worship the ac creation, not the creator, so we take that song,e, ac and what is grace to me is the act of creation. -♪ it's love and love alone -and what inspired you to tell the history of this country through song? -i wanted to use a form that best representedyo house kind of imperfection as a way to rally people. la i think ofical music as, you know, e u're