century, theth attic clclose to thehe art of te ancients. -- they added clothes to o the t of the ancientseinvented the head. and wonderful hands and arms. i like this piece because of her hair. [laughter] looking like a beehive, don't you think? anchor: you can catch the full show about venice in the time of covid online at france 24. back after a short break. do stay with us here on france 24. ♪ host: i imagine this,s, swallowd by s suburbia. man: just a couple of kids falling in love with something cann actually y go big. woman: we just thought, well, we just have to do is. host: tonighght, the storyry ofa wiwild place sasaved and thee billioionaire couple who made it happen wiwith the gifift of a lifetim man: i didn't believe what i was hearing, actually. i it was unbelievable. this was a piece of good news, a big piece of good news. man 2: prototecting ourur world iisn't aa spectator sport. everyone needs toto get involve. everyone needs to be a leader.