oh, teabiscuit! hmm! hey! stop that! [groans] [screams] shoo! go away!e guys to eat. the bees are much better at collecting nectar than we are. it's not fair. there's got to be a way to get them to stop. maybe there is. we just need to talk to them. talk to them? talk to them? a speaking spell can let us understand. what the bees are saying when they buzz. speaking spell! hey, you bees! huh? huh? well, now that i know that you can understand what i'm saying, i'm gonna say it again. stop taking my nectar. it's mine. must collect nectar. must make honey for baby bees. huh? that nectar is for my babies, not yours. must collect nectar. must make honey for baby bees. i can understand 'em now, but i still don't like what they're saying. they're my flowers with nectar in them for my young'uns. i want my nectar back. ariela, don't! you'll only make things worse. [screams] tom: oh, no! the hive! twigs: honey leak! [both gasp] honey leak! run! swim! eat! help! bees: disaster! our home! our honey! oh, and my ranch! oh, no! tom: the ladybirds! what are we gonna do?