similarly we are teachingyoun to n harm someone e ss in a re else also. those are skills that we absolutely can apply in our lives to be happier healthier humans. there are other issues that are related. while we are doing prevention youth with work around dating violence of course we are also giving tools to prevent sexual assault and child abuse and other kinds of issues that might come up in their lives because they're the same basic tools. we think that's important in terms of preventing all kinds of abuse. >> thank you so much. we are going to take another quick break. we're going to welcome another guest from shalom bayit with naomi when we return to mosaic. >>> good morning. welcome back to mosaic. we are in the middle of a wonderful important conversation about domestic violence and domestic violence in particular in the like to re to naomi tucker who the founding director of shalom bayit and coordinator of professional services. welcome back. >> thank you for having us. >> can you tell us what a coordinator of counseling services does? >> sure. w