bubble bee-athlon! woo-hoo! yeah! announcer: today, teamthe nectar ball and bring it all the way back to the hive before tea time! (clock bell ringing) but it's going to be some difficult flying today! just look at all those obstacles. obstacles are things that get in your way. (clock bell ringing) and it looks like we are about to bee-gin. on your marks... get set... go! and team bubble bee takes off! these first obstacles look quite difficult. let's see if they can fly through them without getting knocked out of the race. whoa! look at them go! jolly good! we're seeing some incredible flying today. uh oh! now they're going to have to get through those flowers. (crowd cheering) and there it is, ladies and gentlemen, there's the precious nectar ball. gotcha! brilliant! gil has got the nectar ball and team bubble bee is taking it back to the hive! oof! oh no! got it! an amazing interception by oona... go oona! and oona had better be careful because i think it's about to get windy. whoa! goby, catch! now goby's got the nectar ball! but it loo