again, this is is a manufacturing plant and known as techni coat. several reporters are on the scene saying it's the largest fire they have seen in the course of their careers. five fire departments on hand. the live shots out of ohio. we will continue to monitor this. >>> live pictures of the u.s. capitol. we are standing by for a potential government shut down. we were here lawmakers and staffers scrambling to find a compromise yet again. this one, though, could get us to october and then a pretty good chance they will do it all over again. corinne redman has been tracking the story letting you know what's at stake for you. and this is something that people who pay attention to this they are sort of getting tired of. this is where the phrase kicking the can down the road came from. >> reporter: exactly. it seems like it comes down a last-minute deal especially before a big holiday break or congressional break. so it's a make it or break it deal. congress has until midnight to pass the plan or face a partial government shutdown and there's a vote n