the second is i high level team including those experts on these topics optic teco side to begin to engage with their side on parameters of what an end to this conflict would look like. on that front obviously there will be engagement and consultation with ukraine, our partners in europe and others, but ultimately the russian side will be indefensible to this effort. and then the third is together with those other two, beginning to engage in identifying the extraordinary opportunities that exist should this conflict come to an acceptable end, the incredible opportunities that exist to partner with the russians geopolitically on issues of common interest and frankly economically on issues that will hopefully good -- be good for the world and improve our relations in the long term for these two important countries. all three of those efforts will be happening in conjunction with one another. the diplomatic one is one we hope to move quickly on because this involves the treatment of our respective missions. the second one will be difficult, the question of ukraine and the end of that conflict