joining us is ted bailey, the ceo, chairman and founder of dataminr.hank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> there's other services that try to do this. how does your service differentiate itself in deciding what is a valid tweet? you see things trend and they're not necessarily true. for one, you don't know the validity of it. >> as you mentioned, with 500 million tweets, that's a lot of tweets. for the financial professional, they need someone to pinpoint the relevant information and alert them to be sure to be aware of it. our software specifically looks at emergent patterns of conversation. and gets confident enough to go into the work flow of the financial professional and provide them an alert. >> let's get to specific examples. that's where the payoff is, right? >> absolutely. >> what actionable ideas come out of this. you brought a couple. one has to do with blackberry. when did your software detect what was going on with blackberry? >> dataminr provided an alert to our financial professionals three minutes ahead of financial wires when blackb