. >> my name is ted coopman, faculty and my background is in media, new media and ron online organizing. >> my name is ruth, assistance -- coordinator of the nursing program -- >> and i'm monday reynolds the studen heet producer of the story. >> i'm really excited you did this story because this is the new thing in higher education, being able to provide online education of education is something our society is demanding. 16million students are taking at least one class across the united states. that tells us it will grow. but you are the envy of the programs. >> these are working nurses who are mature in their careers and they are coming back to school to enhance their practice and to really have value added to their nursing practice. these are working individuals so online is the way to go for them. >> but a nursing program we know how valuable nurses are we are trying to wrap our brains around how do you teach it online. >> good question. in the program there's much more touching going on learning how to do the skills -- like the shots -- in the doctor program these students already