>> meanwhile, senator ted cruze told john allen that the white house's ebola policy was being driven by political correctness. he said congress should reconvene and vote on a travel ban. the vast majority of them represents. mark, do you think we are now in a phase of full-on, full-out fearmongering, or whether these are responsible reactions to what is happening? >> john, i stand second to no person i know in being critical of congress when they do fearmonger and demigod. what i think is they are trying to whip the branch into shape corresponding to public opinion. i think the administration is getting criticism and over-sight from congress. most of it is fine and good for the public. >> i am all for over-sight and i am all for criticizing the administration when necessary, but it is still the case that ebola is unlikely to have ebola become a pandemic in the united states. flu is worse. it is starting to worry me a little bit that fearmongering is very much on the rise. although americans are jittery about the separate of ebola, it is not like they are in panic mode. it is not like