. >> bernie sander hired a former colleague of mine ted devine to look at the possibility of a presidential been getting tweets about al franken, senator al franken, again, someone who thinking about it, joe biden has already thought it over, but we'll see what happens in the next couple of week. >> let's check out our facebook senti-meter. look at this. president obama, 51% are negative. only 45% positive, compare that to former president bill clinton, 67% of people talking about him on facebook are saying positive things so, donna, does that tell us bill clinton would be an asset to hillary in 2016 and president obama could hurt? kind of looks like that to me. >> there is a reason why bill clinton was one of the most requested ones as well as former secretary of state hillary clinton because he's not just relevant but he can explain just about any difficult issue, tell you what's going on in washington and talk about the minimum wage, bill clinton is just a good asset not just to the democrats but to the country. that's why people are positive about him. >> jon karl, let's leap to jeb bus