. >> the most important thing i forget so sorry ted donna read the resolution this is a resolution toodd todd you noticed we have on bow ties in our honor? >> whereas the san francisco public utilities commission recognized and honors for outstanding service as chief financial officer for the services overseen the finance technology and customer service center and human resources and records management and internal controls and whereas a strong and instead approach to the significant ability for the department to provide efficient and water for 2 point of million consumers and water treatment for over 8 hundred and 40 thousand customers and power and municipal consumers within the sfivengs e san francisco ethics commission of turlock and the irrigation districts and the hallmarks for the management of the city's largest municipal bond moving from the lowest cost on record to support the puc capital programs and the transparency that resulted in the agency maintaining that's t it's he high bond ratings and whereas it allowed us to develop the letters for the affordability and the debt