now, my cousin sent me a letter, he said, news flash, ted fishman in favor of longer life. and, yes, i am. longer, healthier, engaged life. and the reason i wrote the book is because we are at this moment right now, we've applied our best intelligence for millennia to get here. but, still, the moment surprises us. and we're in crisis mode about it. and we have to apply the same intelligence to negotiating, to navigating, to creating the society we want and the lives we want for ourselves. and that's what "shock of gray" is about, it's to give us all the lens and the goggles to look at this new world so we see the dynamics where our eyes land, to see it in our families, to see it in our work race workplace, e it in our communities, in our community, and even as you'll see from the book, geopolitically. i'm going to go true some of -- through some of these things. so why are we getting older as a society? there's a difference between the way people age and places age. so you all age day by day with every day, year by year with every year. societies age in different ways. so w