in florida, for example, if ted floridiansad, then .eed to vote for ted cruz in georgia, where i am,io surged ahead.-- host: next up, larry from tennessee. go ahead. caller: hello. wondering what your guest is between church and state, and the significance of that in our country. goodvidently, is a political person, and with his showonservative radio talk in georgia, but writes this book about religion. my concern -- i would like to hear his answer, but my concern conservative talkshow radio programs all through georgia. you go through georgia, and it .s massive you don't hear the other view. i think it is important for this country to have access to the other side so that people can make their decisions, and not be make their own- minds up to their own benefits, intoot be hoodwinked voting against their own self-interest. tell larry that the conservative response would be most mainstream media is mostly left of center. because of the free market, a number of talk radio shows have cropped up in the country, but did not have the staying power because of the lack of listenership. as fa