ted geisel had died but it was his wish that his materials be here for his devoted fans worldwide to be able to come and use these materials and to have his legacy preserved.the collection is about 18,000 of ted geisel's original drawings. it expands early years in the 1920s, some of theearliest known drawings he ever did . all the way up until the last book that he published and then most recently of course some other drawings just discovered at the house so those books are now being pushed by random house, ted geisel's longtime publisher. now is the fun part and i'm going to show you some of the things that are in the doctor seuss collection. i'm using the cat in the hat as an example because i think that's a title that most people are familiar with . these are some of ted geisel's earliest catches and you can see they are very rough sketches as he's putting out his story. he treated these just like rings from a coffee cup, sort of on his desk and you can see how rough the sketches are and just as he's getting an idea of howit's going to look on the page . you can see when you get