ted kaczynski, it seems, had his own agenda and his own timetable. >> when the oklahoma city bombing ng, theodore kaczynski was already on a bus on his way to deliver the package for sending to his next victim. >> on april 24th, just five days after oklahoma city, a mail bomb killed gilbert murray. president of the california forestry association. a timber industry lobbying group. in an earlier incarnation they had been targeted by radical environmentalists. >> the bomb that was sent to the forestry association was actually sent to his predecessor, a man named william denison. but he had retired and mr. murray had replaced him. the unabomber was proud of himself. it didn't matter that his bomb had killed the wrong man. they were engaged in the same kind of work, which was anti-environment in his opinion. and so it was okay. >> i'd been to a number of bomb scenes over my career, and the last one in sacramento was probably one of the more horrific. the shrapnel is usually what maims or kills the victim. most of the cases, nails, staples, and screws were used. that's an antipersonnel dev