. >>> good afternoon commissioners, my name is ted knollenberg and i am representing district number 5. last year i brought before the board of supervisors legislation to require the city of san francisco to have individual water meters so that it would be easier and more efficient for people to be able to understand their water use. primarily the fact that if they are responsible for the bill they will pay more attention to the fact of how much water they use. the mayor wants 30,000 new housing units by 2020..in affordable nature. another 30 to 40,000 market rate units will be built. almost all of them will be multiunit buildings. having water meters for each of those units means that there would literally be hundreds of millions of gallons of water saved by doing this. this would also provide a basic level of service metering and this could also help on the revenue side. i ask you to consult with the board of supervisors because this meeting is already in the process. thank you. any public comment? we will move on to public comment. we will move on to communications. commissioners,