if people now question ted kras' birth certificate. he has produced it. is that racial?u see an issue? they're flirting with birtherism. >> i mean, flirting with birtherism, goldie. >> nothing could be further from the truth. at the end of the day, the kifbd racial animus that informed the birther movement that moved against president obama was something we had never seen before in this country. they called him by his full name. barack hussein obama, almost dericively as if his middle name should mean something wrong with him. well, ted cruz has a full name, ted rafael cruz and no one points to him that he come partially from cuban descent. that's the difference. there was a legal question about his birth. that question has been answered and people ought to move on. the fact is, people like stockwood and others still haven't moved on from the question that has been asked and settled about president obama. >> and we are not flirting with birther i. we are talking about hypocrisy. they should not get confused. and we're talking about a man who has made a career pandering t