his company five years ago in a clinical trial traded a patient -- treated the patient ted lazarus is what we call him he had this garricks disease but instead of being in a wheelchair but he is walking a 5k in the first person to whom have never recovered from a ls. but it is five years since he was able to get that treatment and in the meantime 24,000 patients in this country have died of lou gehrig's disease so why shouldn't the 13 people lucky enough to get in the clinical trial be alive today? and i think richard i don't want to put words in his mouth but he believes that to end was to see more people get access because this is the difference between life and death and he tells the story of his own son when he was john had a brain tumor in but that was like as a father and i tell that story in the book. >> host: how is ted do we now? >> guest: he is doing great. a remarkable story to see him with his wife and his kids. he speaks about it in spiritual terms as of blessing and the right to try and giving people the right to fight for their lives even if it seems hopeless. people te