vannevar bush or the library of congress on your desk, or ted nelson, xanadu two or what became a tim berners-lee vision of the world wide web? we could actually make that come true with this technology. so i went to library school, took us there and got no actually honorary degrees. i'm kind of happy about that. specifically in the library world, but then really went to build this all the internet into a library that can make it so that anybody anywhere can learn if they're curious enough to want to have access. this is not what the publishers are trying to have happen, but that's what libraries are for. we have our carnegie moment now is to go and make it so that that dream of public education could be made more broadly available to people in disabilities that didn't have access to libraries or just wanted to have access digitally. we can do that fairly without it impacting the publisher during this whole lawsuit. they never even claimed there was a financial problem for them at all. i mean, 26 readers a year of a book. is that really going to cause damage? actually, often actually