ted turner has a letter on the cnn web site right now. you can go check it out. mr. turner cites a number of arguments as to why we should not get oil from canada. first, he says well, that oil that we get from canada, we'll just export it so it won't reduce gas prices in the united states. but a recent department of energy report dated june 22, 2011, u.s. department of energy report says just the opposite. it says that the crude we bring in from canada will be refined in the united states and that it will lower gas prices in the united states on the east coast, on the gulf coast, and in the mid-midwest. not "may" reduce gas prices, "will" reduce gas prices, east coast, gulf coast and the midwest. well, then mr. turner's letter says, well, the pipeline will leak and, gee, we -- we don't want a pipeline that leaks. yet, as my second chart shows here, this is the second keystone pipeline. this first keystone pipeline's already been built. he said, well, that keystone pipeline leaked and so we can't build the second one because the first one leaked. well, the first one h