his name is ted walker. he is a published artist and he actually does that for us. so, we use that because then we can legally say we used our own person. >> do you have more than one person who will friend a person, like someone you're looking into so they don't get suspicion us? >> oh, yeah. >> [speaker not understood] was saying, don't [speaker not understood]. >> you're exactly right. once you start friending about 10 people -- because, again, don't do more than like 10 a day. try to get friends. let their friends request you and you say, accept, accept, accept. accept everybody on there. because that's how it shows you have credibility. and then the other thing is you do have to put some pictures up. so, you know, some thing can be a little more abstract with it, but, again, don't use your own city. don't use a city because they're going to want to meet you, stuff like that. like i said, i use something up in wisconsin. i have a nice pretty little girl on my thing, other pretty girl pictures on there. that's what they like so that's how they get on there. and y