first want to introduce mickey callahan she is the director of the department of human resources ted yamasaki who's one of the deputy director. carey cuz who works in client services john kraus who's over the exams. and then mini school while he works at the end he works for the mayor's budget office so they have a powerpoint presentation we put copies on your desk and. good morning commissioners mr president thanks for the opportunity to be here i mean callahan the human resources director for the city and we're here to talk to you about the city's hiring process and in fact and in particular how that relates to the. need to hire we have. as pamela said we've asked to key members of our team here to make sure that you have all the information that you need to understand our process. just by way of introduction i want to let you know about our role under the charter the human resources director and the department of human resources therefore is responsible for. for the to ensuring is responsible for ensuring that all selections and appointments are done pursuant to civil service system and me