they fight for the country, they fight for a cause, they fight for tedder, because they are seen. >> even if they cannot get back to their military units, they will look you inside and say i want to continue to serve them in some fashion. that is a value added that companies cannot really build into a job description. >> in 2005 i had a noncommissioned officer wounded in action in iraq and he lost a leg right above the knee. i was still in the fight and annie went to visit him and he said to tell the boss i am coming back. she thought that's great but that's not realistic. then he knew that i like monty python a lot so he said tell the boss is only a flesh wound. [laughter] about a year later, this is a commando, i went on a raid in baghdad with a squadron and he was back on an artificial in doing an operation in baghdad and he is still on active duty today. he's that kind of guy. there are lots of those types of men and women. when someone is wounded, it tests them, it tests inside, their family, it's just their young spouse, their family, their children, it tests everybody. it test