&p3 it came from thh sky juss aattr nine o clook in the tee-ton mettor, acing t & around 33,000 miles an hour through theeatmosphere, streaked over the russian city 33& east of moscowa"aa&. a"aaa&before eeploding in a firebbll of blinding bright -33& light aid to have the power - of n atomic bomb. a few minutes lattr shockwaves -3 wereesent from a sonic boom. -3 that smashed wwndows, damaged hundreds of builddngs, were hurt, a hundred eople were hospitalized. no one was rrporred illed. "it -3 reeinned me f action movves - like terminator 4," this eyewitnessssaid. "the llght wassveer bright. like a brrght sunn then the blast happenne."" another & said theee waa panic ii ttee streets. another saii it felt -3 like a war one. 20,000 emeegency wwrkees fanned out across the region. three impaat sites were founn. the meteor miised uclear ann chemical weapoo storage facilities. russian presiient putin romiied aid & for thoss affected. some small ettors strrke the artt &pevery yyar, including in the - us. bbt thiisone was noteeorthy for itss size, injjry tolla"a&and visibility. harris says: "t