as teecnology dvancee, the nnw, there's hardly aacompanyy & poened the door to videoo --3phhtt.. (air speeddstuuii 3 cameras hit tte mmrket, maauffaturrrs predicted thee'dd 33 py video calls. but that hasn't been the ase..." & think what we''e finding ii a - lot of time we on't have the &pneed to haveethesee -3 additiinalltypee of inneractions with folks. in 3 gurzick credits these webcams ponscience generrttonn ven aa hood colllge, wwere he's a - professor, therr's a webbam beaming he progress of the schools new gymnasiim.... 3 "whereas he might have had -33&pstudents jump behhid a building so hey wwuldn't be on-camera in the 70's & 800s. - today,you can ttrn on the pammrr and see stuuents - (chambers) somehow they here and the resttdeciddewe're withhyou on that." its beenn17-years but steve's ant &pfarm is still onninn nd still ddawing a crowd.... (barr phildren nats watching aatss online) so far, his site hhs draww almmos one and halffmillion viiwers.... &p(14:33) ""ctually there's competition wiih my brother who runs hummiig birdd ddt - ccm..." (13:588 "willli