sstrtronongeger r teeh anand d drdry y momoututh. right there. oh! me crazy. [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] relief starts now. golold d bobondnd extra strength medicated lotion hahas s a a popowewerfrful ir to relieve all day. ggolold d bobondnd. >>> apparently proposals are just not enough because now we have very elaborate ask the girl to the prom videos. ♪ cold and she's cruel but she knows what heshe's doing ♪ >> this is micah lip-synching to "just the girl" and this is his music video to ask ria to the senior prom. he played it back at school and that's what the smaller video at the bottom of the screen is ria watching this video at school. >> that's so risky, my god that's risky! ♪ knocked me off of my feet >> gets his buddies involved in it. >> you got to hope she's going to say yes after you do this. >> he's a brave guy. you have to admire his willingness to put himself out there for this girl. i think that might be attractive to her. >> let's find out. this is the moment he reveals who he's after. he's looking through the yearbook and finally p