teena orling was his supervisor. >> he was a professional map maker from finland, and he saw the skull within the first few days here. he did not say anything to me or to anyone else about it because he was afraid. >> but three months later, just before he returned to finland, the map maker finally told teena about the skull. using a detailed map of the ranch and following the map maker's directions, teena and the scout ranger searched for the skull. they found what they were looking for in a sparsely wooded clearing. along with the skull, searchers found a few strands of hair, a lower jaw, and about 40 bones, including a pelvic bone, a femur, and some ribs. >> my initial thought was it may possibly be an indian grave until we saw the blue jean material. >> searchers unearthed the tattered remains of a pair of jeans, pieces of a flowered shirt, remnants of a plastic shopping bag, and a metal button. to begin the task of identifying the victim, the physical evidence was sent to the forensic crime lab in jefferson city, missouri. they began their evaluation with the tattered blue jeans.