teensyou go back to the in 1920's, the new brought -- the new migrants to the city had a lot in common. they were generally not well generally not skilled workers, moving to the city's four rural areas. a cityck of being in that was a new cosmopolitan city was something they all had in common. the air of immigrants in particular in the early period, they had to fight to qualify for naturalization. number of landmark legal cases that took place where of907 and 1926 americans were arguing they were whites, because in order to be eight naturalized citizen, you had to be a free white person. thislegally had to make case that they were white to be considered it. this is a big deal for the community. a lot of the air of americans lived in white, working-class neighborhoods. they grew up in -- a group and assimilated among other immigrants that had come from europe. there was a solidarity that people found between themselves. mosques, iffirst you look at the people who attended them, witnessed what was going on, they always commented on how it was a diverse crowd. also madeous leaders a point