and with teeseventeen cbs is an nbc out of respect for the muslim brothers i that that was pandering and disgusting. did anybody draw cartoons about that? going back to harvard university president to suggest a research project on why women across the country are below in the science field. is the fact and he wanted to know why. when the faculty at harvard went insane. i felt if that is really harvard has come to this you cannot discuss real issues that harvard closed its doors it ceased to exist because what good is it? >> this transfer that after the teeseventeen shooting there was a parody playing out from the networks so that was one situation with these postings on line. and then to pull up the cover and then say we can show that. we can show that. is so these images are everywhere. so the argument behind that is we're just going to continue to make pictures. i have a fair amount of sympathy also that we would not put out the anti-semitic that denigrate black people in it is quite prevalent. en to become sensitized to those images. but it would argue with that reaction with that