d a gold age, it was t followi 20 year tharmy cor of engiers, e bureauf reclamion, d the teessee valley ahority re the gernment' dreateam. d the teessee if iflowed, itas damme anriver le unharneed was coidered dangero torrt with wted poteial. 30,000 pvatend fedal dams were mpted between 50 and 10. that pot, the ylowstone was ow altered tersheds left it. when t bureau reclation ben runninout shit srting gr d by envonmentalt david ower, the erra cluworked qckly shit srting gr to rally massiveutcry of publidisapprol. buwhile brer's atttion s focuseelsewhere, reclamatn's new seet apon wasuietly foding a lile known nation treasur reclamatn's new seet apon wasuietly foding withery litt oppositn. - if hd had knn howbeautifutha, he wld've ught tooth a nail. brow now say thatas the bgest stake hever made - [b] in 197 the dangeredpecies at s set in motion by prede. a bo move torote endangedpeciesthe fromxtinctn,es at a conseence of econic dev. 1976, theureau reclamaon set a claimoffice easterndaho, to divvy ou$300illion to the communities in the flood path of their newly completed teton dam. as its reser