. >>>> this is t tegucigalpa, one ththmost dangegerous cities in the worl -year-old d jaime jael soriano has just been n called to the local police station to confirm the identity of his brother. soririano's 33-year-old brother was shot on the street just a few hours ago. >> people are killed here and the police never investigagate. that's what happens to the poor here. >> murders are a daily occurrence here. >> soriano now has to pass t sad ws on to his father. hondnduras is consnsidered one the e most violentnt of all nat that is not at war. rigoberto leiva valle sees the results of that every day. he wororks as an embmbalmer at momorgue, prepararing bodies f funerals. >> most of the bodies i see here have gun wounds. some are mutilated. theyey've hadad limbs cut o off. sometimes they're decapitated or otherwise maiaimed. >> valle says he receives around 12 nenew corpses evevery day, more than ever before. >> there was a time, y yrs ago, that you could go out at night and enjoy yourself. you could walk around on the streets without any prproblems. now you get scared just crossing two o