if we say,tegy is controversial issues, let's put aside. let's first extend the arms of the church and bring people land. once they get in and see the truth, goodness, and beauty of the church, they will see the consequences of their beliefs. those other issues might fall into place. if we lead with those controversial issues, people will not come in to begin with. if we lead with a person of jesus christ, we will get people land and gradually the transforming grace of the teaching will take over. that is his new strategy. looks he is uniting the church internally? x yes, i think so. really.ly annexed -- internally and extra only. -- externally. i cannot walk down the street without the guy saying we love this new pope. internally, could be some problems because the church, like any other organization, does have factions and divisions. he is uniting them by the power of his sincerity and simplicity. >> what is his biggest challenge? to restore the credibility of the church. the essence of our faith is that jesus christ is alive in his churc