he bin wor began tobreakut, teid ni gi.asdtbcme--hs told to become -- and within two years he found himself wounded. he found himselfsa mo of coy hd hefise is o aman eol. wogo t be de the united states. >> when do we see this poll or this kd of mindset start to shift, if itoe it byiooh wn kpic iait ssmoi dernity. and this is a historical way of describing sort of a shift in culture related toorganization, dernizatio o oreau ls edtit f so as americans became more modern i think in the process the sense of abundance and poity, proliferat. andh hofcseas ce fco ofree will, and i, particularly around world war i, world war ii, many individuals may be saw theonf ad e stas,tcry socsat ohi. w y t a t0 nty, the rise of -- that emphasis uponnscripti o he llt 90ivn abe netwollhe s. ournte f et t inpo tebog technology to wage war from a distance. this enhances i think the consciouess on the part of a thsee neope in nt ad oin gsut-vteorce is it actually takes that idea, that notion that i had a choice, but trie to use tha a trh. seeon t