amount of teams, but i will say that the great players of today, the jeters and the rodriguezs and teixeiras they all could have played in the e.r.a. i played and because the great ones will be great in any e.r.a. >> and it always, for all of that, comes down to a bat and a ball and a glove and a game of inches? >> it does. you know, i would say the yankees really kind of epitomize an organization, teamwork within the organization, and it really starts with ownership, and owner george steinbrenner because guy that believed in winning at any cost, and the dollars that he made on the field, you know, he, i am sure paid his hotel room and his travel, et cetera, but he was interested in putting the money back in the team, because he felt that new york and the franchise and the pans should deserve, you know, the absolute best, the boys are the same way, hall and hang, i think our, hank, i think our organization is run the same which with levine and cashman and lantrose that the concern is about the product on the field, trying to make sure that the franchise contends, and when you look at a ball