teka. i>>'m hearg inomfr a lot of oppele toda y.olyst women o whare now nccoerned ouabt their health afterer cently reiecving the johnn so& josohnn ccvaine. meanwhilthe e cdc is expect ed ma dkeecisions in the comi ng da ysouabt who if anyone oushld t the j j&vaincce. >> just because bld ooclots are alrely coerncning espiaeclly as a won.ma >> rorepter: arnaia got the johnn so& hnjoson vaccine six days ag o. >> you hear l althese medical visers y,sa it's saf e. ta keit whefrár you can. and then getting news from evywerhere is a litt le coerncning. >> repoerrt: the health departme ntstoppethd e j & j vaccine especially in women. one patient eddi. >>i feel like if i were going to have any efctfes, y an gative feefcts i would have d hathem alrdyea. r>>eporter: oakland resident santmaha floyd got the j&j vaccine. stmo reaioctns happ enwiinth three weeks. >> i know x sipeople ha vethese veadrse reacontis t,bu i personally am elfeing fine. myfamily is feeling nefi. i'm t norrwoied about me. >> rertpoer: it's relyal unyoger women atth seem